
Condensation forms when warm, moist air or water vapour comes into contact with cold surfaces or is trapped in areas where there's no air moving.  It can cause mould to grow on walls and ceilings and can damage your clothes, bedding, carpets and decorations.

Taking these simple steps can prevent condensation.

Keep your heating on low

When you're at home, keep your heating on low to keep the temperature in your home around 19-21 degrees Celsius. This will help stop water from condensing on cold surfaces. It can also save you money on your heating bills because your boiler doesn't have to work as hard to get your home warm each time you turn it on. 

Close inside doors and open windows

Close the doors between rooms and open windows slightly wider when you're cooking, washing, drying laundry or bathing. This lets the moisture out and stops it moving through the whole house. 

Let air flow through your home

Don't push your furniture right up against the walls, or overstuff cupboards. This makes it harder for air to flow around a room. 

Open your windows, especially after you've been cooking or showering, you have washing drying, or there are lots of people or plants in a room.

Use your extractor fans

All bathrooms and kitchens have an extractor fan. Keep the vents clean and clear and switch the fans on when you're using these rooms. If you're drying washing, dry it in one of these rooms and leave the fan on and a window open. 

Keep lids on pots

This stops too much steam escaping. 

Wipe down windows and sills in the mornings

If you can, leave your bedroom window slightly open at night to stop condensation forming on the cold window panes. If you can't do that, wipe down the inside of the windows and the window sills in the morning. Wring out the cloth so that it doesn't add to the dampness.

Where does the moisture come from?

You might be surprised by how much moisture we create in our homes each day!

Daily sources of moisture Moisture created Approximately equal to
One person asleep for eight hours 0.3 litres One can of soft drink
One person active for 16 hours 0.8 litres Four cups of tea
Cooking 3.0 litres Two large bottles of water
Bathing 1.0 litres 2 pints of milk
Washing clothes 0.5 litres One small bottle of water
Drying clothes 5.0 litres 8 pints of milk
Paraffin heater 1.7 litres 3 pints of milk